Relief Society Broadcast

Yesterday, my sister and I and her friend Sarah were able to go to the Relief Society broadcast at the beautiful conference center.

The talks were meaningful.
The Spirit was strong.
And the company was wonderful.

My favorite part?
When my sister let me squeeze her hand because I was cramping. I wasn't just crying cause I was in pain. It mostly tears of joy and gratitude to have such a wonderful sister and woman sitting beside me.

Thank you for letting your baby sister tag along with the big girls, Rhiannon. And thank you for being the best big sister
{especially when I need it the most.}


Rhiannon said...

You are welcome anytime.

leean robinson said...

I was hoping you were doing better but maybe not yet? I'm so glad Rhiannon lives close and you two were able to view the RS meeting together in the conference center. You are a trooper to go to the Conference center when you do not feel all that great. Hopefully better times are right around the corner.